Tuesday, August 2, 2011

the state of this blog

I was just noticing that in the first "year" of this blog (which was really just the last five months of 2009) I posted about 35 films. And that was without posting at all in November, during which time I wrote a novel! (The novel was truly terrible, though, and it will never be seen by anyone's eyes but my own.) I only wrote about 7 movies in 2010, and I've written about 10 films so far in 2011.

So what's the difference? Why did I write so much at first and so little in the years following? Well, for one thing, I now review tons of books. Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew in that department, as it's extremely difficult for me to pass up a book that sounds interesting! (I currently have 14 books waiting to be read and reviewed. Ridiculous, I know.) Netflix also has something to do with it, I'm sure--now that I have thousands of movies and TV episodes that I can stream through my Wii, I'm less inclined to watch a movie I've already seen. (I'm also less inclined to buy a movie, so I guess that's a good thing.) But I think I'll soon be watching more of my already owned films. Why? Because I'm working on a new, top secret project that will require the use of my hands but not all of my attention. So I plan to plant myself in front of movies that also don't require all of my attention (since I've already seen them) while I work--and then blog about said movies immediately! (No more of this "I watched this film while preparing to move out of my apartment a year ago, but I'm just now getting around to writing about it" stuff. Seriously. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of this blog?) I only have one more "already watched" movie to blog about, and then it'll be back to the proper movies in the proper order. At least I hope so.

Stay tuned!

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