Thursday, October 15, 2009

#25 "Clueless"

Stats: 1995. Starring Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash, Paul Rudd. PG-13.

Background: I loved Jane Austen before I knew who Jane Austen was … because I loved Clueless, which is based on Austen's Emma! Clueless is one of the movies I first saw with my high school best friend Dori. Some Fridays after school we would rent videos from Video Kingdom and stay up all night watching them. If I remember correctly, we also rented The Truth About Cats and Dogs the night we rented Clueless.

When I saw it in Walmart’s $5 bin a few months ago, I thought, “Why not?”

Reactions: I’ll tell you why not. Clueless is pretty crass when not edited for television. While it’s still an interesting story (as all Austen stories are), I think it’s more one of those movies to enjoy when you happen across it on TV. And after seeing it on TV so many times (as I always feel compelled to watch it when I come across it), I don’t think I need to own it.

Verdict: Sell

1 comment:

  1. I'd have to see it again to vote between good and bad. But I'd rather not. Ha ha.


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