Saturday, November 16, 2013

#89: "Freedom Writers"

Stats: 2007. Starring Hilary Swank, Imelda Staunton, Patrick Dempsey. PG-13. Based on a true story.

Background: I’m a sucker for all the teacher-saves-her-at-risk-students movies. So when I heard about Freedom Writers, I knew I wanted to see it. I picked it up out of the Walmart $5 bin (where else?).

Plot: Erin gets a job as an English teacher in a school where racial tensions run high. Following the death of a student in a shooting, she implements a writing program, where students can pour out their feelings in a journal.  And pour their feelings they do. Throughout the course of the year, Erin’s students become a family, even as Erin’s own family is falling apart.

Reactions: When I put this movie in my DVD player, I expected to end up getting rid of it. And then I watched it. As I wiped away the tears as the credits rolled, I knew I wanted to keep this film! It serves as a powerful reminder of how one person really can make a difference. As someone who works in education, I sometimes need that reminder!

Verdict: Keep

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